Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Spring Break 2014

   This year over spring break I didn't do that much.On Monday i had a half day at school. After the half day my mom took me to the mall to go shopping. We took my best friend Isabelle with us as well.  Then on Tuesday I was able to sleep in till 11:am. After I ate brunch i watched a couple of movies with took up the time befor i had to go to dance. One of the many movies was Frozen.Wednesday was a repeat of Tuesday but i had dance earlier and later.
    Than on Thursday I went to my moms hair salon and helped out. I washed the color bowls , swept, and folded the towles. Friday was one of the busier days besides Easter. I went to my grandmas house and helped her make Jello beans and eggs for Easter. The jello beans are little jelly beans made out of jello and they are a family tradition. Saturday i had dance at 8:30 in the morning till 9;30am. After that my dad got me and we went to test drive a car. Then at 12:40 my friends Nicole, Caite, Marasole, Isabelle , and myself went to our friend Marys house.Than Sunday was Easter, which was the busiest day. My mom, dad. brother,and myself had to get the house ready for my grandparents to come over. Than later in the day my brothers girlfriend Debbie came over to have desert. And for an easter gift my parents gave me an itunes card. Although i didn't do much i had alot of fun over spring break.

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