Monday, December 15, 2014

Do Now 12-15-14

        There are many things in this world that I would like to help get better or help change. One thing that I would like to help is how many people do not have clean drinking water. This bothers me because I drink a lot of water throughout the day and can't go very long without water,so it bothers me to know that many people do not have that privilege and I hope one day everyone will be able to have clean drinking water. Another thing that I wish I can change is world hunger. It is not fair to people that they have to starve or live off of very little food. I Thankful that I can be privileged with clean water and food and I hope that one day the whole world can be as well.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Blog Post Assesment

 This is part of IHops Menu
         My favorite restaurant has always been IHop. The Ihop that my family and I go to is the one that is located 111 New Jersey 17 Hasbrouck Heights, NJ. IHop is a restaurant that serves all the meals of the day breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert.My favorite meal of theirs is the Cinn-A-StacksEvery time I go during breakfast or dinner I will order that. If it is lunch I will order something else. Some IHop's are open for 24 hours.
This is The Cinn-A-Stack
Houlihan's logo
     Ihop started in 1958. I have been eating at IHop for as long as I can remember. I have a "Birthday tradition" and a "After recital " tradition where on my birthday we will go to IHop for dinner. Also after my dance recital we will go to IHop for a lunch/dinner.If Ihop were to ever close down I would go to a restaurant like Houlihan's.
     Around the holiday season Santa will occasionally be at IHop and he will be your waiter. You could also get a picture with him. IHop will often do things for holidays. FOr one example when it is around Halloween you can create a frankenstein pancake if you order off of the kids menu. On Saint Patricks day your pancakes will be turned green by the "Leprocons" with some green food coloring.
     IHop has always been my favorite restaurant. Im not sure if it is because of the Cinn-A-Stack. Or if it is because I have many traditions there.It is around the holiday season so I am sure I will be eating at IHop very soon.


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Rss Discussion Questions 12-10-14

Discussion Questions
Why did you select the sites you subscribed to?
    Certain sites that I chose were based on my interest and likes.
Was it easy to find feeds and to subscribe to them?
    Many of the cites that I chose I had to search for the rss feeds. Others however I found very easily.
Which sites were your favorites?
   My favorite site that I chose was one of the Broadway cites that I go on often.
What else can you use RSS feeds for?
   You can use rss feeds to keep information that you might need in the future.
  How likely are you to continue to use RSS feeds in the future?
I am certain i will use these in the future for something whether it is just for I need to keep  something that's important or if I want to look through my blogs for fun.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

tech post 12-5-14


Best tablet to buy as a gift this Christmas: Top Five

* The holiday season is coming around and many people want to know what tablets are the best.
*Here is the top 5 list of best tablets of the holiday session.

 5..Nvidia Shield Tablet
Best tablet to buy as a gift this Christmas: Top Five

4.Lenovo Yoga Tablet 10 HD

Best tablet to buy as a gift this Christmas: Top Five
3 .Nexus 9

Best tablet to buy as a gift this Christmas: Top Five

2 .Sony Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact
Best tablet to buy as a gift this Christmas: Top Five

1.iPad Air 2

Best tablet to buy as a gift this Christmas: Top Five

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Do now 12-2-14

       If I were a teacher I would add sign language.The students in would be able to choose this class as a language along with Italian and Spanish. To be in this class  you would have to keep at least a B in the class in order to stay in it. Every Friday the kids will  be tested on how to show the word of the week. The words will get more and more tricky through the year to show how they improved.
      This class will also be able to go on a field trip to a place where the kids can communicate through sign language to people who are deaf. There will also be many fun projects that they will do such as draw the letter in sign language. For the final exam an deaf person will come in and each student will have to present a one page paper to them  in sign language.

Monday, November 17, 2014


1.How can a wiki be used a current class on your schedule (not this course)? Pick a class and be specific how the class could create and use a Wiki on a regular basis.                                                  
     A wiki can be useful in many classes.I believe that a wiki can be most useful in world history.With a wiki we could get information to help make a study guide or help us on tests.What are the benefits of using a wiki in class

2.What are the benefits of using a wiki in class
    Benefits of using a wifi in class are that it can help us gain more information about a certain topic and help us make things like study guides

3.How can we create a wiki in this class, what would be contribute to it and how would be utilize it on an on-going basis?

       We can create a wiki in this class that would help us understand how to use certain technology tools.

4.What experience do you have using or creating wikis?

      I use wikis on some projects where the teacher allows me to. I also use it often when i'm in a conversation and someone doesnt know something or can't remember it and it really bothers them so i would look it up.


Thursday, November 13, 2014

tech post 11-13-14

Facebook now uses a animated dinosaur to explain the privacy policy.

An undated handout screen grab of a privacy notification reminder alerting a user before they make a post on Facebook. The social network site announced on May 22, 2014, it will change how it treats new users by initially setting their posts to be seen only by friends and explain to them that adjusting the setting to “public” means that anyone on the Internet can see their photos and messages. (Handout The New York Times) -- NO SALES; FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY WITH STORY SLUGGED FACEBOOK PRIVACY BY  VINDU GOEL. ALL OTHER USE PROHIBITED. -- Photo: HANDOUT / New York Times / HANDOUT
    Facebook is expanding its use of animated characters to outline its privacy policy. Photo: HANDOUT / New York Times / HANDOUT
  • Facebook added a new feature where a blue dinosaur to guide users threw the privacy policy.
  •  Facebook says that they added this feature because its a way tom communicate with the people.
  • Another reason why they did this is because over the years they revived lawsuits and confusions about there settings.

Monday, October 27, 2014

10/27 Do now

      Presentation means many things to me. For one thing it means when you have to present a project or an paper to your classmates. Presentation also means how something is shown or given to you. For example, if you go to a fancy restaurant and get a dessert and it is all decorated , thats a presentation also. Another example is how a party might look to you, say its a suprise party how the party is presented to you can affect how you feel about the party. Presentation is also about engaging the audience in what you are talking about.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Tech Article 10-10-14

HTC announces a $199 RE camera

  • The RE camera is a small device that is shaped like a handle.
  • It has two buttons on the device. The one in the front is for slow motion and the one in the back is for capturing video and pictures.
  • This camera doesn't have a viewfinder. You have to point the device in the general direction of what you want to take a picture of.
  • There is also an app where you can the pictures you took.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Tech Article 10-3-14

Apple can now detect if used Iphones and ipads are stolen.

  • Apple is now releasing a feature that can tell users if an used iPhone was stolen.
  • Apple introduced its kill switch feature with the ios7 using the find my iPhone app as well as i cloud.
  • If you believe that your phone has been stolen  you can enable the "kill switch"  which will lock down your phone.

Monday, September 29, 2014

What is an Editorial?

   An editorial is an article that can be written by anyone who can view it. Websites like wikipedia or a public blog that anyone can edit.Many teachers in the past have told my class not to us or trust wikipedia. Some classes we were even told if we use it we can fail the assignment. Very few teachers allowed or even encouraged us to use wikipedia.I personally like wikipedia as a source and if I am ever second guessing any information i can always look at another website to double cheek. I wish that more teachers will allow students to use wikipedia in the future.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Tech Article 9-26-14

Apple Iphone 6 plus should be replaced if it bends.

  • Apple recently released the iphone 6 and 6 plus.
  • There has been problems with the new 6 plus by simply just putting it in your pocket.
  • The iphone six plus has been bending whilst in peoples pocket.
  • Apple has been getting many complaints that it should be refunded.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Web 2.0: Multimedia Blog Posting Sem 2_Pre

     Third period I have Biology. My biology teacher is Ms Larson who has told us many interesting stories. She tells us often stories from when she grew up on a farm. We also learned that her dad became paralyzed and was used for an experimental drug that would cure him. To this day he's able to walk and do everything he used to ,but he is still paralyzed in one hand. Ms. Larson also told us hw at her farm they make fresh honey.
     We have learned many things in the short time we have be in school. Every day we come in and do vocabulary. We learned about diseases and how they can spread and how we can cure them. We also learned about a injection you can get to become glow in the dark. Another thing that we learned about is robotic bees. Bees are becoming extinct so Harvard students came up with the robo bee.
      We don't use much technology in that class other than the projector.I think that in labs that are to come we should be using more technology type things. Today (9-16-14) we are going to be doing a nail polish lab. We will be testing different removers. I kinda enjoy this class so I hope we get to do many fun hings this year.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Educational Technology and Copyright Law

What I learned from this article is how you can accidentally use copyright by using a picture from a website that might be using .copyright. I also learned that all content is copy written   immediately it requires no paper work. You have to be careful when coping and pasting things too. You have to be careful with that because from the web-sight it is from might have copywriter it.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Tech Article 9-12-14

Apple watch, Good idea or too late.

  • Apple just released the new product "Apple watch " which is a smart watch.
  • For many people that have been waiting for this product it is a "must have"
  • But for others this is useless.
  • Smart watches have been around for a while now but certain companies such as Samsung and Sony have yet to make them.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Tech artiical 5-16-14

Flappy Bird’ is coming back. And it might be more addictive than ever.

  • The flappy bird creatoer vowed that he will never add flappy bird back to the app store again.
  • Because it was too addicting he took it off.
  • Now he is going to add it back with a multiplier option 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Tech 5-9-14

Epson's smart glasses go on sale.
  • The glasses are now officially on sale for $699.99
  • Like the google glass these glasses have a 960x540 displays
  • There is also a memory card in this glasses.

I just made a new Voki. See it here:

I just made a new Voki. See it here:

Thursday, April 24, 2014

tech artical 5-2-14

Iphone sales drive strong apple earnings
*Apples new profit from iPhone were $10.2 billion.
*Due to this apple will be announcing a new product.
* The new product will be the 9.7 inch i pad.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Spring Break 2014

   This year over spring break I didn't do that much.On Monday i had a half day at school. After the half day my mom took me to the mall to go shopping. We took my best friend Isabelle with us as well.  Then on Tuesday I was able to sleep in till 11:am. After I ate brunch i watched a couple of movies with took up the time befor i had to go to dance. One of the many movies was Frozen.Wednesday was a repeat of Tuesday but i had dance earlier and later.
    Than on Thursday I went to my moms hair salon and helped out. I washed the color bowls , swept, and folded the towles. Friday was one of the busier days besides Easter. I went to my grandmas house and helped her make Jello beans and eggs for Easter. The jello beans are little jelly beans made out of jello and they are a family tradition. Saturday i had dance at 8:30 in the morning till 9;30am. After that my dad got me and we went to test drive a car. Then at 12:40 my friends Nicole, Caite, Marasole, Isabelle , and myself went to our friend Marys house.Than Sunday was Easter, which was the busiest day. My mom, dad. brother,and myself had to get the house ready for my grandparents to come over. Than later in the day my brothers girlfriend Debbie came over to have desert. And for an easter gift my parents gave me an itunes card. Although i didn't do much i had alot of fun over spring break.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

tech artical 4-11-14

Google Glass goes on sale for one day next week.
* Google glass is planing to go on sale next week on Tuesday at 9 a.m.
* If you are 18 or older you will be able to buy this for $1,500 plus tax.
*This will be sold as first come, first serve
* Google is planing to officially release this sometime this year.

My Voki

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Tech article 4-4-14

Vine is now letting users Direct message People.
* Vine is now stepping up from only 6 second videos.
*Vine now allows you to privet message people along with chat
* This feature has been available since 4-3-14
*This feature is very similar to the Instagram version of direct message but instagran also can send pictures.
Vine message

The BriEm


Monday, March 24, 2014

Do now

   I recently watched Amazing Race recaps videos. I did not get to watch the full episodes yet so i decided to watch the recaps videos. The amazing race is a tv show on CBS. It is mostly about teams racing each other through challenges and they get to travel the world.Later today i am going to watch the episodes.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Do now

  Presentation means many things to me. It first means when you have to present a project or a paper to the class. It also means how something looks or is giving to you.I think what makes a presentation nice is when its neat. Also what makes it nice is when its colorful.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tech 3-21-14

Knock it off with the push notifications
*In many games on the app store first will give you the option on push notifications.
*However it does give you the option to turn them off it still is annoying .
*The push notifications are notification that are basically useless adds that take away time from your game.
*Hopfully in the future app creators will realize that push notifications are usless and will disable them.
push notifications

Monday, March 17, 2014


     If i was able to be invisible for a day i would try to do as many good deeds as possible. The first thing i would do is help the people in need. Such as getting someone medicine or helping elders. Something else i would do is walk around the town seeing if their is some kid bullying another kid and break you the fight. Even though no one would see me or realize its me i would be fine with that.
    Not getting the recognition for what i did is fine. I believe that everyone should do good deeds even when are visible. Since you are invisible you could either choose to do good deed or bad ones. I say choose the good deeds and make the world better.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Tech artical 3-14-14

Microsoft Office for Mac Update to Arrive in 2014
*Microsoft's office for mac was introduced in 2010
*Since than it has fallen behind in being updated
*But this year that is going to change
*This is going to be uptated to Offace Mac 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Want to wake up to the smell of bacon?

*Oscar Mayer  created an Iphone dongle  That acts like an alarm clock  and wakes you up the the smell of bacon.
*In order to have this you have to win his contest.
*The app to compete in the contest is called Wake Up & Smell the Bacon iPhone app
* In my opinion I think this this would be an interesting invention to own

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

do now 3-5-14

          On monday we learned about google spreadsheets. Spreadsheets is an program that helps keep you more organized. They can help you total up prices or have a class poll. The program will automatically change things to match up what what you're doing.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Tech article 2-28-14

Fleksy Keyboard for iOS

*Android users have a number of options for keyboards
*But for Iphone users Apple controls how the keyboards looks.
*But apple is planning to change that.
*In Order for this feature to work you will need to download the Fleksy app.
*Fleksy allows the iphone user to play around with the keyboard settings.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Educational Technology and Copyright Law

When you use a photo from the internet it may or may not be licensed.
IF its not license it means it is copyright.
You may or may not Know when you are using something that is copywritten.
When ypu use a picture make sure to credit it to where you got it.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Tech artical 2-20-14

*The creator of apple Steve Jobs might appear on the U.S postage stamp 

*In 2015 4 years after his death the stamp would be release.
*Jobs name appeared on a list of improved postage- stamps subjects
*Other icons that might be on a stamp include Michel Jackson and James Brown.
* The start of the designs of the stamps has already started.
*These stamps are apart of an effort to issue pop culture figures.
* In November the USPS released 20 postage stamps honoring Harry potter
Tech visionary and Apple co-founder Steve Jobs may appear on a U.S. postage stamp in 2015, according to a leaked document.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

winter Olympic Sports

Mirai Nagasu turning on the ice.
             The winter olympics just recently started again. There are many sports that are in the olympics that i really enjoy. For example i really enjoy watching figure skating.IF there was one sport that i would like to compete in it would be figure skating.
             I would love to try figure skating for many reasons. I believe that it would be the one olympic sport i would actually be capable of doing.  I say this because i am a dancer. I think that dancers and figure skaters have many similarities. For example we both do leaps, extensions , turns ,and partner work. Their are may groups in olympic skating, like single skating and group skating.
            I believe that you would have to train for a very long time in order to compete in the olympics. So you would of probably have had to start training from when you were little.  I think that the skaters have to learn the basics. Then eventually they would be advanced enough to go for the gold. Those are the reasons I would want to figure skate in he olympics

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Tech post 2-6-14

*Back then Google's company's data center was the size of a small closet. 

*It was so small that you could barley set one foot in the ''Google Cage'' it was 7'x'4'

*The building was later closed down and was one of the first co location facilities in Silicon Vally.

*Google had a second cage witch was three time larger and kept the company first four racks and machines.

*15 years ago an abundance of megabits  were  delivered to Google.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

My first post

Hi my name is Brianna
I am in the 8th grade. I am also a dancer . I take 8 dance classes . I have 2 dogs and i have a brother.
I enjoy watching movies and cartoons. Because of dance i am able to crack and pop out  most of my bones. I go to Aruba every summer and the last time i went to Disney was in 2006. I love Broadway shows, my favorite is Wicked.